Author: N. Porter, N.A. PORTER & ASSOCIATES
On January 27, 2021, the Winnipeg Free Press published a news release, titled: “Milgaard urges body to rectify wrongful convictions”.
Understandably, David Milgaard is upset; he spent 23 years of his own life behind bars for a crime he did not commit. In the years since his release, Milgaard has spent his time advocating for others in similar situations.
Shortly after the 2019 election, Prime Minister Trudeau’s marching orders for Lametti listed 21 priorities, the first of which sought to “establish an independent criminal case review commission to make it easier and faster for potentially wrongfully convicted people to have their applications reviewed.”
However, on January 15th, Trudeau issued updated mandate letters, and Lametti’s priority list no longer included the wrongful-conviction panel. It was frustrating enough that limited consultations had taken place, but now, everything is at a standstill. And worse, Lametti’s current priority list no longer includes this panel.
David Milgaard happens to be a friend, and a colleague. I am posting the A) Original Statement by D. Milgaard, specific to Dylan’s article with the Winnipeg Free Press and B) Dylan Robertson’s full article, Winnipeg Free Press.
Those seeking justice, those who sit in wait for our government to develop more efficient and time effective solutions, are who ultimately suffer. The men, women, and children in some cases, who have been wronged by our system. And who sit in wait, for a day where justice prevails. They deserve a system that is just and efficient. Failing to act, is not an appropriate remedy. We need the compassion of our leaders, to follow through on their promises. Specifically, to create an independent criminal case review commission, addressing wrongful convictions.
Canadians know and believe in what is JUST and RIGHT. Please help David Milgaard and I, stand up for the wrongfully convicted people in our prisons.
Please join us in this fight.
Read. SHARE. Talk about it. The more pressure we apply, the greater likelihood that our leaders will hear us and ACT.
Thank you!
Please access David Milgaard’s statement, in it’s entirety, by clicking on the PDF document, below:
Read Dylan Robertson’s full article, below: